Tag: eco-friendly
Se c'è una cosa che si porta tutto l'anno sono le calze; certo, magari non con 40° C ma il calzino con il sandalo, fino a qualche tempo fa espressione di una moda non proprio elegante, è finito per diventare un accostamento chic, perché gli stilisti, che hanno riportato...
The curtain has been down for a couple of weeks but the show has just begun. It was a happy edition that of the Ethical Fashion Show, staged in Berlin from January 16th to 18th. Thanks to the new location too, the former Kraftwerk thermoelectric power plant, which is...
I like the idea of a column that talks about sex like a biodegradable fabric or a recycled garment, because now the eco trend is no longer relevant to fashion in the strict sense but has extended to a wide range of sectors, including, precisely, that of sex. After...