Tag: environment
I primi di agosto vi avevo parlato dell'uscita imminente della fanzine #3 di Fashion Revolution dal titolo 'Fashion, Environment, Change'; ebbene, la rivista è uscita e mi è arrivata già da qualche giorno. È sempre un piacere riceverla e stavolta trovo un formato iper-ridotto (15 x 18) ma comunque piacevole...
In early August I told you about the imminent release of # 3 Fashion Revolution's fanzine entitled 'Fashion, Environment, Change'; well, the magazine came out and I just got it. It is always a pleasure to receive it and this time I found a hyper-reduced format (15 x 18 cm)...
People of eco-à-porter, Fashion Revolution's fanzine # 3 is in pre-order! On 28 August the movement launches, with the title of 'Fashion, Environment, Change', its third bi-annual collectible magazine, created to uncover the stories behind the clothing we wear.
After 'Money Fashion Power' e 'Loved Clothes Last', 'Fashion, Environment, Change' is...