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Lo avevamo anticipato in uno degli ultimi post e oggi possiamo dire che è realtà: al summit Onu sul clima che si è concluso ieri a Katowice, in Polonia, è stato presentato il 'Fashion Industry Charter for Climate Action', carta costitutiva che mira a ridurre l’impatto ambientale dell'industria della...
We anticipated it in one of the last posts and today we can say that it is a reality: the 'Fashion Industry Charter for Climate Action' was created at the UN climate summit ended yesterday in Katowice, Poland, a charter that aims to reduce the environmental impact of the...
Stella McCartney's commitment to the environment and to an increasingly sustainable fashion continues, not only with its collections and the launch of cruelty free and low impact materials but also with exemplary actions involving governments and international organizations such as the UN. Yesterday the news, from The Guardian, that the...