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Tag: eco-fashion

Ci siamo. Rivoluzionari fashion di tutto il mondo unitevi e rispondete alla chiamata del movimento globale più trendy che c'è, quello che, nato in Inghilterra nell'aprile 2013 all'indomani del crollo dell'edificio commerciale Rana Plaza, in Bangladesh, in cui morirono migliaia di operai tessili, è cresciuto e si è diffuso...
Here we are. Fashion revolutionaries around the world, let's unite and answer the call of the trendiest global movement that exists, the one that was born in England in April 2013 in the aftermath of the collapse of the Rana Plaza factory in Bangladesh, where thousands of textile workers...
FieraMilanoCity. Ci chiediamo a cosa possa servire di questi tempi un'esposizione, come se non ci si mettesse già abbastanza in mostra. Organizzarne una porta indubbiamente i suoi vantaggi economici, ma andarla a visitare? Perché? Ce lo siamo chieste anche noi. E abbiamo delle risposte. Quelle che ci ha fornito il...
FieraMilanoCity. We wonder what a fair these days it is for, as if we did not already show enough. Organizing one has undoubtedly its economic advantages, but going to visit it? Why? We wondered about that, too. And we have some answers. Those who gave us the 'Critical Fashion' show...
I always thank this monthly column because it makes me meet and interact with extraordinary people from all corners of the world; last month Huda Baroudi of Bokja Design 'nominated' as guest of the March interview Sarah Hermez, a Lebanese designer and founder of 'Creative Space Beirut', a free school...
For those who do not know Jak&Jil, just know that it was, along with 'The Sartorialist', one of the first fashion blogs ever; founded in 2005 by the Canadian photographer Tommy Ton, known today for his photographic services on Style.com and GQ.com, the blog was a street style site...
Chiudete gli occhi e immaginate tutto ciò che può essere green, eco, bio. Fatto? Bene, tutto ciò e probabilmente pure qualcosa in più lo troverete a Milano, dal 23 al 25 marzo prossimi a 'Fa' la cosa giusta!', la fiera italiana del consumo critico e degli stili di vita...
Close your eyes and imagine everything that can be green, eco, bio. Done? Well, you will find all this and maybe even something more at 'Fa la cosa giusta!', the Italian fair of critical consumption and sustainable lifestyles that will take place at FieraMilanoCity from 23 to 25 March in...
Anekdot is a brand of sustainable underwear and swimwear that I discovered on Instagram; the first thing that struck me, along obviously with the garments themselves, were the images: unmade beds, old stonewashed walls, bright windows, living plants and dried flowers, water, the sea, wild nature. And then models...
It was reported a few days ago in the official press release, that the Vancouver Eco Fashion Week, also based in Seattle, will close its doors, indeed, it has already closed them, since the 13th edition, scheduled for next April, will not be done. A real pity, given that the...