Lockdown finished, we have officially entered the so-called phase 2, precarious and very difficult but we have to start again somewhere. A lot is up to us, to our individual responsibility, because in hospitals people continue to die and doctors and nurses and health workers are all still working hard and I, as far as I’m concerned, always have that funeral procession in front of my eyes on the night of Bergamo … and it was only a little over a month ago.

My desire would be to act by continuing to pay respect to our dead, to our sick, to those who are treating them and to all the people who have lost someone in this terrible pandemic.

Having said that, I really wanted to share it with you, I take a news that I had given at the end of January, just before all this chaos broke out, that is the ISKO-ISKOOL competition, which this year, precisely because of Coronavirus, took place online, seminar included.

The traditional two-day event, the one I also attended at the Creative Room in Castelfranco Veneto, turned into a two-day webinar with students, young professionals and tutors, all connected via the TalentLMS digital platform.

Through the webinar, the twenty finalists, selected out of more than 150 applications, experienced a new format of the fully-immersive experience, always with the support of the ISKO team and professionals in the sector, approaching denim from all angles and touching all aspects of the supply chain.

For this edition of the competition, the theme around which the finalists must present a capsule collection is ‘North, East, South, West – connected by one planet’, a very current topic in which the exploration of the world, both locally and globally, goes hand in hand with attention to the product life cycle.

The designers will work on the idea of ​​citizenship, digging their roots and simultaneously approaching different cultures to define and trace the geography of the world, all connected to the concept of responsibility: “No matter where we were born or where we live, one thing remains the same: we all share this planet. Being a designer today is not only about creating beautiful things, it also means being aware of the process as a whole, from sketching to manufacturing to marketing, taking responsibility of the product life cycle. We ask that you explore the world that surrounds you both locally and globally. “

A even more current topic in light of the latest events.

Articolo precedenteIf it must be a mask, let it be ethical!
Articolo successivoContinua la eco-à-porter challenge, anche in fase 2 …


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