When we talk about eco-fashion…

detail of an organic cotton plant

I can’t not inaugurate this blog without wondering what is meant when we talk about ‘eco-fashion’; if ‘eco’ is an abbreviation of ‘ecological’, in other words what protects the environment and its natural balance, eco-fashion should be, is a fashion that has the same purpose, namely to safeguard the nature and its resources, avoiding waste, even fighting them. How? Through, for example, the use of organic materials produced with a low environmental impact system, eliminating synthetic fabrics made of polyester and plastic, avoiding to exploit and kill animals for their skin or fur, enhancing the recycling practices. This is with regard to the protection of the ecosystem in the strict sense. But ‘eco-fashion’ also means fighting the prevailing slavery related to the exploitation of workers by the textile industry for the production of low cost garments, so that don’t happen again tragedies like that of Rana Plaza, a five-story commercial building that contained clothing factories in the sub-district of Dhaka, capital of Bangladesh, and that collapsed on April 24, 2013, making 1129 victims and 2515 injured. The dead workers earned 38 euros a month. If this is not modern slavery …

Eco-fashion conceived as virtuous fashion for its multiple valences can also be defined bio (logic), fair, recycled or reused, second-hand and slow design that is based on traditional methods and practices.

In this blog I will try to deal with all the above forms and those who care for them, from the pioneers to the new entry, the important thing is that there are environmental protection and respect for workers’ rights, in addition to a good deal of originality and est (ethics).

And if you, dear eco-follower that I hope you will be more and more numerous, you get advice, tips or simply comment to make, please, write and interact with me and with you, so that, together, can and we can be part of this virtuous chain that is called, eco-fashion.


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