Reebok, all natural sneakers


Yes, every now and then we also talk about shoes and especially sneakers, sustainable obviously. Many sports brands are moving in a greener direction, in the past we talked about Nike‘s commitment, with lights and shadows due to the lack of transparency in terms of human rights and production methods in overseas factories, while Adidas and Reebok are, in the latest Fashion Revolution report ‘Fashion Transparency Index‘, at the top of the ranking with a score of 69%, so let’s say they are more virtuous.

And a demonstration is given by Reebok with the latest sneakers presented; from the Cotton & Corn collection here is the Club C model made in two versions: the Club C Cotton & Corn, made with products of natural origin and a 100% cotton upper and Club C Wool & Corn, made with a 100% natural wool upper . Biological material also for the soles, made in Susterra propanediol, a substance derived from corn, while the insole is in castor seed oil.

Then there is Forever Floatride GROW, the running shoe that is an updated version of the Forever Floatride Energy 2 Reebok, already multiple award-winning for being made with plant substances. This new model has a highly cushioned and responsive sole made with sustainably grown castor seeds, while the upper is made with material from the eucalyptus tree, naturally biodegradable, highly resistant and breathable. Alga bloom, from marine algae, forms the anti-odor insole and the natural rubber from the homonymous tree forms the sole, making it resistant and reactive.

These latest sneakers are part of the commitment that Reebok has made in sustainability for years, moving in two directions:

  • – (Ree) grow: products made with material of natural origin
  • – (Ree) cycle: products made from recycled or re-proposed materials with the aim of reducing the use of virgin polyester until its total elimination by 2024.

  • “The earth is the runner’s arena, says Matt O’Toole, president of Reebok, and we have a responsibility to detoxify it.”

These shoes, like many others created in recent years also in the field of sportswear, show us that materials derived from natural sources are a valid and effective response to the need for products and production processes with a lower environmental impact. So why not invest in them, why not invest in nature, which already provides us with everything?


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